Sunday, June 21, 2009


I've decided to start grading the dishes I cook.  The rubric is as follows:

A:  This is great, and probably something I'm going to keep cooking on a regular basis.

B:  Good, but it has its flaws.  I'll probably make it again with some changes to recipe, and probably not with any kind of regularity.

C:  Thoroughly mediocre.  This is the sort of dish that would instill neither joy nor anger.  I probably wouldn't make it again, not because it tastes bad, but because I will have forgotten about it.

D:  Edible, but not enjoyable.

F:  It is a good thing that this dish was lost to the sands of time.

I may decide to assign a "+" or "-" with the letter grade if it has some particularly redeeming or damning qualities.

I have retroactively given the Barley Gruel a grade of "D+"

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